Monday, July 28, 2008

It's My List - That's Right - MY LIST!!!

After a lot of thought, I have decided to do a list of things that I want to do within my lifetime. You know, one of those "To-Do Lifetime Lists". I think by writing down things that I want to one day accomplish, I will have a better chance of it happening. Writing things down has always gave me that push to go for something. And I want to have a full-filling life of things that I want to try and actually doing them.

My "To-Do Lifetime List" will contain anything and everything I want to try, do, learn, ect. Things I want to accomplish before my lifetime is up. A planning list of sorts, I guess you could all it. It's of things that I want to do, not what others want me to do.... It's my list...

Edith's 'To-Do Lifetime List':

1 - Learn the Spanish and french language.
2 - Travel to Greenland and Iceland.
3 - Become a better student.
4 - Experience each cultures lifestyle.
5 - Learn to dance to upbeat music.
6 - Be well educated.
7 - Fly a plane.
8 - Attend a concert of Christina Aguilera.
9 - Meet Johnny Depp in person, carry on a conversation, have my photo taken with him.
10 - Live in Maine on the ocean front.
11 - Vacation in Devon, England.
12 - Learn about fashion.
13 - Be a good example to my daughter, Devon.
14 - Own my own custom built home.
15 - Be known in other countries in a good way.
16 - Graduate collage with a duel degree.
17 - Learn to sew.
18 - Learn to meditate.
19 - Be a better mother.
20 - Understand sign language.
21 - Be more assertive.
22 - Learn to cook cultural foods well.
23 - Vacation in Mexico.
24 - Take a cruise to the Caribbeans.
25 - Learn wood carving.
26 - Visit Disney Land/World with my daughter, Devon.
27 - Build a sand castle on the beaches of Florida with my daughter, Devon.
28 - Become an Interior Designer.
29 - Build a butterfly garden.
30 - Visit a live circus with my daughter, Devon.
31 - Learn to use coupons and deals offered to save the most money.
32 - Be financially stable.
33 - See my daughter, Devon, succeed in life.
34 - Find the right man for me.
35 - Learn to create signature tags for online use.
36 - Learn photography and be good at it.
37 - Be organized.
38 - Be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
39 - Be more self-sufficient.
40 - Give my daughter, Devon, a positive outlook on life.
41 - Go on a hot air balloon ride.
42 - Learn to ice skate.
43 - Go skydiving.
44 - Learn to roller skate.
45 - Be seen in a romantic-comedy movie starring Hugh Grant.
46 - To snorkeling.

As time goes by, I will add to my list, cross things off, and post my experience of each accomplishment I make. This list is my list. No anyone else's. It's what I want to do, try, learn, ect. It's my list.